Our utility mapping surveys provide a clear, concise report of assets and infrastructure beneath the ground. The high standard of our surveys helps you plan and design with confidence around buried services, so you can avoid damage, delays and unexpected costs.
We have experts in Utility Tracing & Ground Penetrating Radar, with over 20 years of experience in the specialist field of Utility Surveying and all related work.
We can provide desk top studies producing CAD drawings, on site Utility Tracing including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). By combining ground penetrating radar (GPR) and CAT & Genny (electro-magnetic location technologies), we ensure maximum data capture. This means we can identify metal, clay and plastic infrastructure within the same underground utility survey.
Desk top studies and providing CAD drawings
Desktop Utility Record Search. A thorough desktop search of all statutory asset owners to supply their record data, and produce a CAD drawing with the services shown as per these records.
Utility Tracing
An on-site utility mapping survey using multiple geophysical instruments, including CAT & Genny and GPR providing locations and depths of utilities. All picked up using GPS, co-ordinated onto a topographical survey (usually provided by you, or we can arrange this as well).
CAT & Genny
A CAT (Cable Avoidance Tool) is a power tool that is used to locate cables underground. The CAT will sense and detect live underground cables. A Genny (Signal Generator) sends signals along a metal pipe or a cable for the CAT to detect.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
GPR works by sending a signal into the ground and listening for reflections from that signal. These useful units detect the depth and location of non-metallic services. Using GPR we also capture data on other buried features such as voids, tanks and covered manholes. This UK’s ageing network of pipes is slowly being replaced by non-conductive (non-metal) pipes – therefore the GPR equipment is effective.
If you require any of these services or anything relating to surveying, please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
PAS:128 Survey Category Type B is the most common form of utility survey we undertake.
It is a full on-site detection survey of all underground utilities, using Electromagnetic (EML) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) techniques and methodologies.
Example plan